Authors Contact
*Correspondant author and authors Copyright © 2022:
| Maximin Senou 1* | Jacques Ezéchiel Lokonon 1 | Pascal Tchogou 1 | Y. Gloria Abissi 1| Espérance Medoatinsa
1 | Félicienne Agbogba 2 | Yaya Koudoro 3| Pascal Agbangnan 3 | Eugénie Anago2 | D. Casimir Akpovi 2 | and |
Lamine Baba-Moussa 4 |.
1. Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Biology (LaBEC) | National School of Applied Biosciences and Biotechnologies (ENSBBA) | National
University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (UNSTIM) | Dassa-Zoume | Benin |
2. Laboratory of Applied Biology (LARBA) | Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi (EPAC) | University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) | Abomey-Calavi |
Benin |
3. Laboratory for Study and Research in Applied Chemistry (LERCA) | Polytechnic School of Abomey Calavi | University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
| Abomey-Calavi | Benin|
4. Laboratory of Biology and Molecular Typing in Microbiology | University of Abomey-Calavi | Abomey-Calavi | Benin | 01 BP 188 Cotonou |
Benin |
This article is made freely available as part of this journal's Open Access: ID | Senou-Ref03-ajira24032 |