| ISSN: 2429-5396 (e) | | |
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| ARTICLES | Am. J. innov. res. appl. sci. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 167-173 (August 2019) |
Research Article 3 |
Background: adds background. Objective: The aim of the present work was focused mainly to present the statistical analysis and a comparative study of Trans-Saharan migration to Morocco using different routes. Results: The transmigrants are originating from ten countries such as Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Congo, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria and Burkina-Faso. The first result showed that the route 1 which was characterized by a high percentage is usually the most dominant so as to reach Morocco by the migrants. "Crossing the Sahara is worse than crossing the sea. In the water, either you die or you survive, but you are not subject to pain and endless pain." HAFSA Sub-Saharan migrant. Conclusion: This study shows that the Trans-Saharan migration to Morocco possesses a lot of difficulties and problems particularly the risks of crossing the desert and the borders. Thus, we consider that only the development and the economic conditions in the origin countries of the migrants which can stop the migration flows.
Keywords: Sub-Saharan migrants, Statistical analysis, reasons for migration and Data processing.
American Journal of innovative
Research & Applied Sciences
ISSN 2429-5396 (Online)
OCLC Number: 920041286
| AUGUST | VOLUME 9 | N° 2 | 2019 |
Authors Contact
*Correspondant author and authors Copyright © 2019:
| Echridi Elghalia 1* | Balar Khalid 2 | Hadhoudi Farid 3 | and | Chaabita Rachid 4 |
1.2.4 University Hassan II | Laboratoire d'actuariat, criminalité financière et migration internationale | B.P 8110 Oasis | Casablanca | Morocco |
3. University Hassan II | Faculté des Sciences | B.P 8110 Oasis | Casablanca | Morocco |
This article is made freely available as part of this journal's Open Access: ID | Elghalia-Ref.7-ajira220719 |
| Info-AJIRAS-® Journal ISSN 2429-5396 (Online) / Reference CIF/15/0289M |
American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences
| Echridi Elghalia 1* | Balar Khalid 2 | Hadhoudi Farid 3 | and | Chaabita Rachid 4 |. Am. J. innov. res. appl. sci. 2019; 9(2):167-173
| PDF FULL TEXT | XML FILE | | Received | 22 June 2019 | | Accepted | 28 July 2019 | | Published | 04 August 2019 |