Authors Contact
*Correspondant author and authors Copyright © 2020:
| Lahadson Stanislas Fulgence 1* | Randrianjatovo Mamy 1 | Rabemandroso Faramalala Louise 1 | Toghueo Kouipou Rufin
Marie 3 | Rakotoarison Olivier 2 | Ravelomanantsoa Germier 4 | Randrianasolo Rivoarison 1 | Nkengfack Ephrem Augustin 5 |
et | Rasoanaivo Herilala Léa 1 |
1. University of Antananarivo | Faculty of Sciences | Laboratoire de Chimie des Substances Naturelles et Chimie Organique Biologique
(LCSN/COB)| Antananarivo | Madagascar |
2.University of Antananarivo | Faculty of Sciences | Antananarivo | Madagascar | Laboratoire de Pharmacodynamie |
3.University of Yaoundé I | Faculty of Sciences | Antimicrobial and Biocontrol Agents Unit, Laboratory for Phytobiochemistry and Medicinal
Plants Studies | Yaoundé | Cameroon |
4.University of Antananarivo | Faculty of Sciences | Laboratoire de Physique nucléaire et physique de l’environnement | Antananarivo |
Madagascar |
5.University of Yaoundé I | Faculty of Sciences | Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Structurale et Analytique | Yaoundé | Cameroon |
This article is made freely available as part of this journal's Open Access: ID | Lahadson-Ref1-ajira290720 |
*Corresponding author Author & Copyright Author © 2020: | Lahadson Stanislas Fulgence * |. All Rights Reserved. All articles published in American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences are the
property of Atlantic Center Research Sciences, and is protected by copyright laws CC-BY. See: